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Our Learning Technology Solutions (LTS) team fosters the purposeful application of new technologies to enhance teaching and learning. Our team works collaboratively with colleges, departments, faculty, and staff to effectively utilize digital tools and equipment to address instructional goals. The group provides consulting, design, and training for specialized educational technologies, as well as support for active learning spaces and online applications focused on teaching and learning. Our services also include course copying and development, classroom lecture capture, LTI development, learning data consulting, and analytics.

LTS centrally manages educational technologies available to all UIC instructors, teaching assistants, and students. These enterprise-level technologies allow instructors to manage, share, and develop course materials, and facilitate student learning through communication and collaboration.

Our Objective Heading link

The essential objective of academic technology is to improve the quality of education and enhance the learning process. Most importantly, technology should magnify the teaching and learning process as well as facilitate better performance of educational systems with an emphasis on effectiveness and efficiency.

Technology allows students, faculty, and staff to help each other better communicate and work together to do the following:

  • Create a more engaged environment, encouraging active participation, whether in the physical or online classroom
  • Incorporate different teaching methods, accommodating individual learner needs
  • Improve collaboration among students, faculty, and staff
  • Prepare us for the future, leveraging technological advancements and building upon current best practices
  • Connect us together
  • Offer immersive experiences to enrich learning paths
  • Utilize gamification or progress tracking to enhance motivation and joy of learning
  • Ensure high content accessibility standards
  • Personalize learning experiences and tailoring content to learner needs
  • Excel when intentionally blended with a live learning environment