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At UIC, we understand the dynamic nature of learning technology and its critical role in shaping modern education. Learning Technology Solutions is pleased to present two distinct newsletters, each tailored to the unique needs of our vibrant university community: one for our instructors and support staff and another for our enthusiastic students.

Both newsletters are a testament to our commitment to fostering a community where learning and technology seamlessly converge. We invite you to explore, engage, and be enlightened with each issue. Whether you're teaching a class or attending one, our newsletters are here to ensure you stay connected and informed in the evolving world of instructional technology.

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EdTech Spotlight Newsletter Archive (Instructors and Staff)

Our LTS EdTech Spotlight Newsletter serves as a touchpoint for UIC instructors and staff. Twice a semester, we delve into the evolving landscape of instructional technology. Each edition is crafted to support our instructors in providing exceptional educational experiences. In these pages, you’ll find a wealth of information on the latest trends in e-learning, insightful articles on edtech strategies, and features on instructors using cutting-edge educational tools. We aim to foster a collaborative environment where faculty members can share their experiences, learn from peers, and continually enhance their teaching methodologies.

EdTech Student Newsletter Archive (Students)

The LTS EdTech Student Newsletter is designed to empower and engage our student body with the world of learning technology. This semesterly digest is more than just a newsletter; it’s a guide to thriving in a digitally connected educational landscape. We cover a range of topics from practical tech tips to maximize learning efficiency, updates on new and existing learning platforms, and inspiring success stories from fellow students. Our goal is to provide students with the resources and knowledge they need to excel academically and prepare for a future where technology and education are increasingly intertwined.