Introducing the Multi-Year Review of Our Teaching and Learning Ecosystem of Applications

by Bryan Libbin

Our objective is to compile a detailed report that will be shared university-wide by the end of the year. This report will highlight which applications are most beneficial and widely used, providing a clear picture of their role in our educational environment.

UIC's Teaching & Learning Ecosystem

This year marks the commencement of an ambitious multi-year review of the Teaching and Learning Ecosystem of applications at UIC. This comprehensive evaluation will unfold three phases: Engagement and Usage, Cost Analysis & Product Comparison, and Security & Accessibility. We have already embarked on the first phase, setting the stage for a thorough examination of our digital tools and resources.

Engagement and Usage

In the initial phase, we look at how faculty, students, and staff interact with various applications. This involves assessing user numbers, usage patterns, and the overall impact of these tools on teaching, learning, communication, and content development. Our objective is to compile a detailed report that will be shared university-wide by the end of the year. This report will highlight which applications are most beneficial and widely used, providing a clear picture of their role in our educational environment.

Continuing Security and Accessibility Reviews

In conjunction with engagement and usage, we will maintain our rigorous security and accessibility reviews for all applications. Should we advance to the next phase, we may need to revisit these reviews for any new applications we consider for adoption.

Cost Analysis and Product Comparison

The next phase will involve a detailed cost analysis and a comparative evaluation of similar applications. Only those flagged during the engagement and usage review will be subject to this examination. For instance, if an application supported by LTS has 20,000 users and positive feedback indicates it enhances learning, we will continue to support and promote its use. Conversely, if an application has fewer users, such as 5,000, yet is engaging, we must explore more cost-effective alternatives or ways to expand its user base.

Decision-Making and Community Involvement

We anticipate that some decisions will be challenging. Should we consider phasing out an application, we will engage with the user base, providing options to purchase the application for their specific department or college or suggesting supported alternatives. Your input will be crucial in making these decisions, ensuring the transition is smooth and beneficial for all stakeholders.

Continuous Updates and Insights

Throughout this year, our newsletters will provide continuous updates and insights into the applications supported by LTS. In this Fall 2024 newsletter, we delve into a comparative analysis of Acadly and iClicker, two popular polling applications. We aim to encourage further adoption and informed usage of these tools.

In the coming months, expect in-depth discussions on various applications, including discussion board tools, authoring applications, free tools, lecture capture, and video content management systems. We also have significant announcements regarding our Learning Management System (LMS) on the horizon.

Stay tuned as we navigate this comprehensive review, ensuring our digital ecosystem remains robust, effective, and supportive of our academic community’s needs. Your feedback and participation will be vital as we strive to enhance our teaching and learning environment.