
Eye-Able® Assist helps to adapt the website to the individual needs of the visitors. As a result, Assist software promotes digital participation and improves the user experience.

AVAILABLE TO: Faculty | Students | Staff

FUNDED BY: University


  1. Attractiveness through flexibility: Eye-Able® Assist provides real-time support for people with visual impairments. It enables them to customize content on Blackboard to better perceive the digital environment.
  2. Optimal user experience: Enables individual adaptation of the settings to the needs of their users. From font size and color to speech output, the assistance software can be adapted to personal preferences. This ensures an optimal user experience.
  3. Set a clear signal for inclusion: Eye-Able® Assist improves your accessibility in the digital space and enables people with disabilities to access digital content. By doing so, you show that your course is committed to inclusion.
  4. Reach more people: Enable people with a wide range of perspectives and limitations to customize content on your website in real-time.


Web Inclusion GmbH (Eye-Able®) strives to make its website www.eye-able.com accessible without barriers in accordance with national legislation implementing Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The technical requirements for accessibility are derived from the Barrier-Free Information Technology Ordinance (BITVBarrierefreie-Informationstechnik-Verordnung) 2.0.

This digital accessibility statement applies to the Web Inclusion GmbH website.

When was the accessibility statement created?

This statement was prepared or revised on September 18, 2022. The digital accessibility check was performed by the company itself.

How barrier-free is the offer?

This website is partially barrier-free. The requirements of the BITVBarrierefreie-Informationstechnik-Verordnung 2.0 are partially met.

What content is not accessible?

  1. Barrier: ID attributes not always unique
  2. Barrier: Aria roles not always appropriate
  3. Barrier: Landmarks need to be touched up
  4. Barrier: Aria attributes not always appropriate
  5. Barrier: Videos without audio description and/or full text alternative
  6. Barrier: Animated counters as well as free-standing numbers can lead to incomplete output via Jaws or NVDA in conjunction with Firefox.

The elimination of these known defects is currently being planned. As soon as this planning is completed, it will be published.