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Classrooms Database

Launch The Classrooms Database

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The database contains attributes for over 180 learning spaces, with 360° pictures, that users can use to understand the features in centrally managed UIC classrooms. With recent updates made to this database, instructors can now more easily search for the classrooms they will use each semester.

If you already know what classroom you are teaching in, filter your results by searching or selecting the building from the dropdown menu and selecting your room number. From the Details view, discover general room information, such as capacity, layout, and photos (if available). The multimedia tab indicates exactly what technology is available in your classroom.

Video Tutorials

Besides the information in the database, LTS has also developed videos to help instructors prepare to use the technology available in the two main types of centrally managed classrooms: Plug and Play (P&P) and Integrated Multimedia Lectern (IML).

For questions about classroom technology, contact us at